The new mobile app, TeamSnap is free for iOS and Android. It is extremely user friendly with lots of bells and whistles.  We are asking that this be THE source of communication for each team.  You will be sent an invite to join the app upon registration.  If have a TeamSnap account at the time of registration you will be added to the Braves team(s) within our organization after you have been assigned to a team(s).

Having one method of communication not only keeps everyone on the same page but also helps keep communications organized.  In the past many teams were using multiple methods to communicate to their teams including email, text messages, and the previously used app. This will eliminate the need for coaches/team moms to manually enter the email and or phone number for every member of their team into their personal accounts or text groups.

Teams will be able to reach out to their members on the app via team chat, group or individual email, and group or individual message.  Having these abilities eliminates the need for coaches and or team moms to add all the team members into their personal email or text groups.

Individual team members also have the ability to communicate with other team members and coaches either individually or as a group message via the app email and message system.  This is a valuable asset in coordinating rides, swapping concession stand/team snack duties, or networking with your teammates.

Make sure you are opted in to receive TeamSnap alerts as emails/texts WILL ONLY be sent out via the app in order to streamline communications. This allows coaches/team moms to avoid having to manually enter in emails and or phone numbers for every member of the team into their personal accounts.  Part of this communication system is the elimination of “clerical errors” when having to enter in member data.  There have been a many of instances in the past years where people are not getting messages only to find out the email or phone number provided was either illegible or entered in incorrectly. If you have extenuating circumstances, please let someone know so that we can find the best way to accommodate. Please keep in mind this system is in place to make things easier for everyone! All of our coaches/team moms are volunteers!

Examples of notifications you will be sent on a regular or semi-regular basis include; schedule changes, practice/game cancellations, important updates or information either on a team or organizational level, reminders etc.

Our “technology manager” will make every effort to post important information for the organization via multiple outlets.  Including the website, Facebook page, and organization wide APP emails. Organization wide information includes; changes in game locations/times/cancellations, important news or reminders including fundraising, volunteer opportunities…basically anything that would pertain to or include the organization as a whole.  Anything that pertains to a specific team; change in practice days/times, special instructions (ie. bring jersey to practice) etc. will not be posted on the website, Facebook, or an organization wide email.

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